Great Falls UMC - United Methodist Women
The Great Falls UMW members meet monthly in small groups or “circles”; participate in district UMW meetings/events; and lead worship service on UMW Sunday in the spring. Through fellowship, service projects, study, pledges and fundraisers, members support UMW and local mission programs.
The Betty Clarke Circle
meets on the fourth Friday of the month at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. Circle members take turns providing lunch and a devotional program. Please contact Dorothy Harsher at 703-378-1337 for more details. |
The Faith & Fellowship Circle
meets on the second Thursday of the month at 11 am at a member’s home. Participants are invited to bring a salad to share. Please contact Karen Deaton at 703-450-1875 or |
The Frankie Winston Circle
meets the third Monday of each month at 11:30 am and gathers in small groups to visit home-bound members. For more about this Circle please contact Carol Haver at 703-759-9189. |