The United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men are dedicated to declaring the centrality of Christ in every man’s life, to promote the spiritual growth of men through effective discipleship, and to model the servant leadership of Christ in our daily lives. “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only.” All male members of GFUMC are automatically members of the GFUMM.
The Great Falls United Methodist Men (GFUMM) meet monthly on the third Thursday of the month (except July and August). The fellowship begins with the sharing of a pot luck dinner. After dinner there is a short business meeting which frequently includes discussions of possible Church projects, missions or charities that we may want to support. Meetings frequently include programs of interest to the group and have included religious/historical videos and a brief series on other religions. There is an emphasis on Christian fellowship, providing an opportunity to get to know fellow church members better and provide Christian service to our Church and community. |